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The First Week

Ben Egan

As we all know, there are a multitude of factors that make the current world of work a ‘difficult climate’ in which to organise so perhaps the sub-zero first week for us 2010 trainees was fitting.

Difficulty in getting anywhere has characterised the first week as well getting used to working from home. Sorting out a working area at home and hours of work that suit both the placement’s requirements as well as my own personal strengths will be very important, lest I find myself never ‘off-duty’.

I’ve also been on the phone speaking to students and Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) about  the ATL offer and ensuring we are able to represent them by understanding the issues that concern them. Facebook and Twitter sites have also formed part of the approach to organising.

This coming week will see we two ATL Academy Organisers get inducted at the union head office and go out meeting people at student events, before meeting the whole organising team for a couple of days towards the end of the week. Let’s hope it thaws out a bit more by then.

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