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TUC Organising

Throughout most of the 1980s and 1990s trade union membership was in decline. A hostile government, coupled with profound changes in the world of work, meant that trade unions struggled to recruit and retain new members – and struggled, too, to represent their existing members effectively.

However, there are now clear signs that unions are on their way back. Our membership is steady after almost twenty years of continuous decline, and there is increasing evidence that trade unions are once again expanding their influence in the world of work and beyond.

Central to our task of rebuilding the trade union movement is the need to put organising at the heart of everything that we do. Organising is not always easy, but it is vital if we are to rebuild membership, and to speak with authority on behalf of working people and their families.

The TUC’s organising and recruitment team supports union efforts to organise and represent the next generation of union members. Our work includes the development and delivery of the TUC Organising and Activist Academies and support for union organising campaigns.

You can read more about our work here.

© Trades Union Congress 2007