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A World Without Trade Unions

Fellow organising academy trainee Dave Condliffe recently sent me the link to a really shocking Channel 4 Dispatches programme called Britain’s Secret Slaves (broadcast Monday 30th August 10). 
The programme is about domestic workers brought into this country from abroad to work as slaves for the rich and powerful.  Some of their employers are foreign [...]

Union Organising ‘Against the Grain’

Thanks to the Organising Academy and my experience with the Communication Workers Union, I am obsessed by the extent to which unions have adopted the organising agenda – not just in this country but abroad.
I recently came across a website called “Against the Grain – A Programme about Politics, Society and Ideas” at  [...]

Tracey Bent

Tracey is sponsored by the CWU.
 Background: Tracey was a student at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London, where her degree involved Honours work in Linguistics and Sociolinguistics.  She was introduced to the work of Noam Chomsky, whose social and political writings were an inspiration.  
After a year in the NHS, she went [...]

© Trades Union Congress 2007