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OMG: Actually Organising!

Since landing here  in SERTUC from planet Not-A-Clue in January I have been keeping myself very busy but often with the nagging impression of achieving  little. 
 This doesn’t reflect particularly badly on me.  According to everyone I’ve asked, this is normal for project work.
A lot of the early period has been taken up with mapping and then with planning and [...]

Thanet NUT Donates £2000 to Oppose Racism

Thanet Love Music Hate Racism, in association with Thanet NUT, are holding a massive festival in Margate on Sat Sept 11th!
At a well attended meeting of local teachers, Thanet NUT Association voted unanimously to donate £2000 to the anti-racism project.
NUT Organiser Andrew Robbins commented after the meeting, “Today’s historic vote by Thanet NUT sends a [...]

© Trades Union Congress 2007